Alt-Knights preparing to protect protesters at the free speech rally in Berkeley

Nazis are not negotiable. Just as you don't reason or try to negotiate with a terrorist? You don't try to reason with someone whose "political opinions" are that whole groups of human beings should be wiped off the earth. That is not a "political difference of opinion." It is not a debate. These are treasonous snakes no better than ISIS. A person whose "political ideology" is fascism (treason against every ideal of this nation) and genocide is a cancer, not a debate opponent. You don't argue with AlQaeda. You don't have a roundtable discussion with the Klan. You don't tolerate Nazis. We all have no problem with (and do nothing about) thousands of innocent people slaughtered at our own hands worldwide, but you want me to wring my hands about fascist genocidal scum getting their nose broken? You want me to scold someone who busts up a vile cancerous traitor? No thanks. I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies - foreign and domestic - and Nazis are our enemies. I'll cheer any NatSoc terroristic fuck getting their shit pushed in. We do not have to tolerate or respect those who whose entire ideology is predicated on death and oppression. They have forfeited their right to my tolerance. They wish to have a war - a race war, a war on the "degenerates", etc, they wish for "the day of the rope" - and importantly, they wish for no such silly thing as the equality of others protected by our Constitution - and so they have decided that since others are not protected by it, they themselves no longer benefit from it. Fuck all Nazis, and all Nazi apologists. They must be met and resisted and forcibly pushed back at every moment they rear their cancerous presence.

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