Alternative angle when social worker was beaten in the head by Hong Kong Police without any legitimate reason. After a few baton blows, he was bleeding severely.

After the police co-operated with local triads, the reputation of the police force was permanently stained. Though most of the officers probably weren’t directly involved with the planning and perpetration of that event, they are all culpable for it. After that, the officers have to justify to themselves that they are “the good guys”. The protestors deserved to get beaten by thugs because they are not human, just cockroaches.

The CCP may have planned this, and other early police brutality events (and under cover fire bombers etc) in order to bring a division between the police force and the people. Also many mainland police and army are within the HKPF ranks looking for “traitors”. The HK officers know that they and their families could be in trouble if they show any sign of dissent against their CCP bosses.

I honestly think that if you asked an average hkpf officer 10 years ago “would it be ok for the police force to collaborate with gangsters to stop protests?” They would have said no, but now, since it has happened, they have to justify themselves “the end justifies the means”

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