Although I'm an active member of the church and consider myself a believer, I realize that I'm in the minority on many issues. I'd be curious to get your take on what percentage of active members would hold to certain positions.

  1. I like to think of the doctrine that tells us that children up to the age of 8 are without sin, and thus are not able to choose the right (with regards to their salvation). God used creation to create men and women. There was a period of time where people looked like people, but were not evolved enough (like a seven year old) to accept the responsibility of choosing right and wrong. During this time, angels ministered to the people; although I do believe there were wars and such (just like kids fighting with their parents in the room). Once God had a man and a woman who were evolved completely, religious time began (your 7,000 to 10,000 years ago). Now, whether there was an actual garden? I don't really think so; I think it's a metaphor for how the world was before we were cut off. Sort of like how living with mom and dad is a sort of garden of eden compared to the "jungle" that life can be.

Of course, this raises lots of questions like: what happened to all the people on the earth at this time? Because over a few thousand years, the planet was probably completely populated. What about all the spirits that inhabited the people pre-Adam? Are they "people", but just not fully developed to the point where they can make choices? If so, that would suggest that we developed as something other than what we are now to the point where we can have our "test" now as people - or something like that. And if you believe that, what about animals? Are they pre-people developing? I personally have some very unique thoughts on this that I probably wouldn't share during gospel doctrine.

  1. Noah: Um...I haven't really thought about that one. Do I believe there was a major flood? Yeah, I do. Did the flood cover the entire earth? I'm not sure. I'll have to think about that one.

  2. I haven't seen any revelation on that, so no - I don't. I can forgive the shortcomings of leaders and the poor choices they make. It does extremely bum me out though, that our church leaders don't admit that to their mistakes, and apologize.

  3. See #3.

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