Altruist Camp - Dead End Connections

Thanks a lot for the post, am a big fan of what you and the other codewalkers do.

I'm hoping there might be some way to change Trevor's relationship with the Altruists, with maybe some other methods outside of the delivery hand ins, After a considerable amount of time testing I was in the mindset that it was never going to be just a combination order, that if it were possible it would include s

et time and date maybe even weather, maybe even other factors unrelated to the delivery hand-ins completely, or I guess nothing at all, which I am more open to now after this - as bitter as it tastes.

I was just wondering if you are able to have a look at the Rebel Tower Morse Code, as this is the Altruist mantra its directly linked to them and feel like the fact the Morse Code seems to play at different times on different days with no consistency at all.

This just seems odd to me because I cant think of anything else that is so randomized. The morse code can play one night, but then you reload the save file and its a different time again, you skip another day and its different again, it's basically different every single time you hear it. Every other thing that appears always seems to have a set time or condition, unless there's something I'm overlooking. The fact it can be interrupted and switched to an SOS call and the fact it always cuts off at 6am regardless, I just can't help but wonder what the deal with it is.

Thanks again for all the work, really truly appreciate it

/r/chiliadmystery Thread