I always do grandma

Okay, this is the tipping point for me.

The transgender bathroom issue is a non issue. Both groups of fucktards that feed this sub its content- both conservative grandma and liberal grandma- have been wailing and howling about shit that is not and has never been a problem.

Conservative grandma, transgendered people have been using restrooms with no issues since literally forever. Nobody's going to rape your granddaughter (Or grandson, for that matter, but then again you never do seem to be concerned about men's safety at all until we've already been shot to death by the Taliban). Punishing human beings for being the way that they are is never going to get us anywhere, but punishing human beings who aren't even hurting anybody is doubly worse and is frankly the most un-Christian thing you backward fucking animals can possibly do. Read your Bible again, and tell me exactly where it says that anyone with large forearms who walks into a womens' restroom deserves castration.

Liberal grandma, fucking relax, the NC laws are an absolute joke. Yes, we know, the South is backwards and lives in the 16th century, but legislation like this is completely and utterly toothless. Yes, we know, setting a legal precedent that allows for discrimination on this scale is horrible, but the Supreme Court exists for a reason. The very first time someone tries to enforce it, it'll be shot down completely, and that will set a legal precedent to prevent anyone from trying this shit again. So sit back, relax in the knowledge that human rights will prevail, and stop Photoshopping Hiterstaches on Donald Trump and posting it on Facebook because you're just making the rest of us look bad.

I don't know what it is about this post that just completely broke my back. There's dozens just like it on here every day, and at least this one isn't calling for "tranny fags" to get their heads chopped off...I guess it's because something so completely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things has been blown so far out of scale that now people are buying and selling custom T-shirts just to let others know what their position is.



/r/forwardsfromgrandma Thread Link - i.imgur.com