Always hoped that Earth Rune would be good and now it is...

It just turned it into another generic cancer deck that barely relies on earth rites for cool interactions. You just vomit shit into the board like neutral cancer but run easier boardwipes with young levi and then you have Oz, which shits all over card advantage rules and has poorly thought out design decisions that are all upfront benefits like restocking your hand and being able to use the spells right away while making your opponent work for proccing her drawback as opposed to having to carefully manage it. Card draw is the single most powerful mechanic in a card game and this thing just follows suit with stuff like Daria that makes card management and resource advantages moot.

New Levi is replaces Calamitous Curse 90% of the time for removal. Doesn't need evo to burn and clear so it's just powercreep because it also does something semi useful without earth rite.

You can downvote this now as this was meant to be a circlejerk thread about dirt rune and my point of view opposes whatever's being pushed here.

/r/Shadowverse Thread