Always the nice guys getting screwed over.

Except that when I ask something like that, I'm not fishing for compliments but looking for feedback. Yes they want me to be happy but it doesn't work, because assuming I don't decel their lie immediately, I'll believe that I know how to sing and be deceived when I realized he was lying. Moreover it kills the relationship, for me a relationship is among other things based on trust, and I can't trust someone who lies to me over mundane things like that.

I'll take another example who this time happened to me. The past year I had a friend who (I assume) accepted me in his group out of pity, because he knew me from middle school and know me as the guy who was alone during break without any friends. I went the year thinking falsely I finally got some friends, I even went to a party (but I realized later they also invited me because it would be rude to refuse). Beginning of that year, I realized I didn't hang out with him often, and that I probably had to initiate. So I asked him out 5 times. Every time he would answer a thing like, he had to study for the exam (which was a math exam on 2nd degree functions so it's not like he had to study all day), he was going out with his girlfriend, etc. Now, after 2 or 3 times I'd have taken the hint that he didn't want me around, but at school he was acting like it was perfectly fine and like I was his friend. Eventually before the holidays I tried a last time, thinking I was too pessimist or whatever. I asked if he wanted to play soccer during the holidays, he answered that he would tell me sunday. Of course he didn't, and I told myself that he could have forgot. Towards the end of the holidays his best friend sends me a snap of them playing soccer. I took that as the final hint that none of them wanted me around. But to this day the dude will still greet me and talk to me like I'm his friend and he does want me around.

In the end it led to a lot of confusion, I didn't know whether he liked me because I had evidence on both sides, and I finally realized that he was doing it out of pity, because he didn't want me to feel sad. Well it didn't work. Sure I was happy for a while when I thought he was my friend, but now I'm back to the beginning, no friends, nobody to text me outside of school, and now I have even more trust issues because I know anybody can and will lie to me. And all this could have been avoided if he just told me once "no, I don't want to hang out with you, sorry", be it last year or this year when I first initiated.

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