It Was Always There...

Season 2 Davos, "From what I recall, bells didn't mean surrender".

Also, Hiroshima still had nearly a 150 thousand casualties, they didn't know if they had the choice to surrender or not, so to you they didn't count.

Their are no heroes in this story, so what I'm saying is, they've all done stuff equally as bad.

Also, I'm not a Daenerys stans, not a stans of any character, I'm a stans of this world, or the fantasy, lore, story, not of one particular character, pointing out the hypocrisy of defending the actions of Sansa, Arya, Jon, and other characters like Tormund...if I recall he was at the massacre of Olly's village? Allowed the Thenn's to eat his people and parents? But lets all laugh at this man and his giants milk shit.

When you start seeing what all these people have done, its hard to cheer for anyone, not defending Daenerys at all, pointing out her ridiculous from a Queen Elizabeth I type character, to suddenly rushed to Hitler.

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