I am 15, pregnant out of wedlock and afraid of being excommunicated

At 20 i was pregnant and not active in the church (I was living the party-fun life) but because of the way I was brought up and taught in the church I too believed/programmed I would be excommunicated which I thought meant I was going to hell and be punished to everlasting darkness. In that era 80's aids was a big deal, I thought I had aids and I would die and the baby would die. I felt so much shame and worthless and unloved by god...

It is BS that you would be excommunicated or even that you should need to repent to a man (the bishop) in order to receive a "clean record"...he is just a MAN!!! So my story, I immediately went to my bishop at the encouragement of my parents, I was interviewed/questioned if I was still involved with the guy or having sexual relations with anyone/"living immorally"...(I had cut ties and never saw him again). I was put on probation (instructed by the bishop to attend meetings regularly, no sacrament for a few weeks, and weekly meetings with the bishop). This was to determine my genuine sorrow/repentance. I felt like shit, I felt so much shame, I felt like I turned away from God/the church...I was "humbled".

I'm 50 now (mentally out for 5 years), and though I knew "God" forgave me, I kept my baby, parents helped me raise the baby, I met an RM, got married in the temple, raised a family (5kids) as a super TBM,...but I still carried so much self loathing shame for decades (trauma). Finally started getting therapy for it now that I'm OUT.

Of course you feel fear and sorrow, most young girls do, most women do (single and married) who learn they are expecting. Don't let a church, a man-made "institution" make you feel irrational fear that you are damned to hell or that you are tainted or worthless because you got pregnant! Accept the support of whoever will offer it (not all members will be compassionate), take care of yourself in all aspects, seek a therapist (non Mormon), and don't let anyone not even your family make you feel guilt! It'll all work out! Hugs!!!

/r/exmormon Thread