Am I (21F) a jerk for wanting to dump 'boyfriend' (22M) of several months for not being able to perform during sex?

Hey OP! Your BF sounds exactly like how I used to be. You've done nothing wrong. Here's the short and sweet answer to it all:

Porn and excessive masturbation have shifted his attraction to being turned on by pornographic images rather than a real-life person. Odds are, he masturbates to porn every day, and he has since he was sexually mature enough to do so.

This doesn't doom everyone, and some guys are 100% fine with watching porn constantly and then also pleasuring women in real life, but there are plenty of us out there who unknowingly wire our brains to simply get nervous (and not turned on) by a real naked woman.

The solution:

He needs to stop watching pornography, and he needs to take a small dosage of Viagra or Cialis to reignite his sex drive towards real women. It sounds like he's not even getting partial erections with you, so he needs a kick-start.

He can get generic Viagra pills from India for very, very cheap, and they're the exact same medicine you'd get from a doctor. Just tell him to get a pack of them and take half a pill, then mess around with him. He'll achieve an erection, he'll be able to have sex, and his confidence will skyrocket. He'll need to continue to abstain from porn while he continues to hook up with you so his brain can re-wire itself back to normal again.

This is the short and easy solution to his problems. Be sure to tell him that there's nothing to be ashamed of regarding this issue. Guys are brought up being taught that watching HD streaming porn endlessly from the time they hit puberty is OK, and we're starting to find out that it's really messing with some guys' minds. Not everyone... But some.

And if the Viagra doesn't make him achieve an erection while you're messing around............. then he's probably gay. Good luck!

/r/relationships Thread