I am absolutely shocked and in awe by basic communication

I posted this because of how wild it is to me that this is something so rare and shocking and not the norm when it SHOULD be the norm. I say similar things to friends because like him I am an introvert. I am not even dating the guy, just flirting a bit, so I think you're reading something that isn't there. Plus he is younger than me so not sure where "late 30s" came from, I really had to go back and re-read what I posted because from your response, I thought I had written something totally different...

My options are very open - I am single and pregnant, mostly just enjoying a nice flirt before baby comes and all of my focus will be on that. Definitely not putting anyone on a pedestal for a considerate text. Also, I've been divorced for 4 years now :) Plenty of dating since the divorce and certainly not the type to go whole-hog after 6 days of non-sexual flirting with someone I haven't even kissed...

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