I am an online sex worker and 70% of my clients are married, cheating online and degrading their wives

Pursue another career. Get more therapy. I’m very sorry about where you are.

I financially and geographically can't. I am sorry if that triggers you, I will only say that therapy is a fantasy for 90% of the people where I live.

Public therapy is one appointment every 3 months where a shrink who doesn't even remember you chats you up for 30 min, then gives you xanax or zoloft and sends you your way.

Private therapy is $70-150 per session.

I was paying for it and I stopped when my (excellent) psychiatrist bluntly told me that the real problem was that I lived with my narcissistic parents and I couldn't heal from ONGOING trauma and told me that I need to move out asap and go no contact/very low contact.

To spare you the gore details I worked 2 jobs while going to college and I could NOT afford to move, even with a roommate I was trying and living paycheck to paycheck and I had to move back with the abusers.That happened MANY times.

If you don't want me on your sub thats fine, delete my post and block me.

But the truth remains: some of us CANNOT AFFORD the FDS way. Just saying.

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