I am ashamed to say that I got scammed today by a door-to-door pest control company

This just triggered some deep nostalgia for how my dad handled these situations growing up. My dad is to this day the smartest man I have ever met. Rhodes scholar, full ride to Vanderbilt med and became a top orthopedic surgeon level smart. He reads all. the. time. The old man literally knows enough details about various industries to hold a 30+ minute conversation with anyone he meets about their jobs. Anyway when it comes to door to door salesmen he can’t help himself and literally spends as long as possible grilling them on the intense technical components of whatever they are selling. He makes it a game and doesn’t give up until they give up and leave. My brother and I would just sit on the front porch and watch the poor bastards shuffle through their salesmen papers struggling to understand what he’s even asking them. Thanks for sparking the childhood memories.

/r/personalfinance Thread