Am I being insensitive?

Also I'm not implying I'm never wrong when she gets upset. There was one time where she had a vlid reason to be upset. My brother's dog isn't fixed, so he tends to be defensive when he's in my room (he likes me the most) and one time she was messing with him (he's a small dog and so I imagine he was really uncomfortable as he was showing signs of being uncomfortable b4 I left the room) and he bit her hand.

She stormed out of the house without making eye contact with me at all. She's the type of person who you don't want to annoy when they're upset, so I didn't bother calling her bc I felt like she was just going to hang up and get even more upset, so I decided I'd call her the next day.

well she called me later that same day even more upset that I didn't call her. She was calling me some pretty shitty things, but I felt like I deserved them for not checking up on her ig.

I genuinely feel like I should have consulted her or something, but like I've stated before, I'm not good with maintaining relationships and don't know what to do in a lot of situations, so I chose to do nothing.

I feel like in this instance I was an asshole and could have been a better friend.

but the thing abt her is that she'll never let me forget my mistakes and will use this instance to get something her way every single time.

/r/Advice Thread