Am I considered British if I was born and raised in England?

I think a lot of people seem to hear 'Begum is British' and think it means 'I agree with Begum and support her actions' when that's really not the case for the vast majority of people.

I think she's a complete piece of shit who's not worth the steam from our collective piss but at the end of the day she had British citizenship and grew up in Britain so it's morally obvious to me she's our responsibility to deal with. Not only is it right that it is our society who deals punishment for her crimes, the idea that citizenship can just be deleted at the will of the Home Office (a bunch of hopeless clowns who can't be trusted not to fuck up the tea run) leaving you stateless should be horrifying to all of us.

The rate the government fucks up at cannot be overstated and now we're all just one fat-fingered Excel entry from not existing as people as far as the state is concerned.

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