Am I crazy if I play aphelios jgl?

i like how you don't deny you're low elo. first off, you would never get your top to ward. you would just recall at :52 and ward as you're basing then go to the opposite buff. second, as i already explained, you cannot just go to the other scuttle because i will invade you can take the camps you left up. the reason you think you can just 3-camp and wait for scuttle is because you are in low elo and are not punished very often for having such a slow clear speed. most of the time in bronze these players can barely clear themselves. if you clear one side to get the 2:42 3-camp you reveal that you only have 1 buff. if you do the slower buff buff gromp or red raps gromp you have no tempo for a gank, your camps will be invaded, and/or your camps will be staggered

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