I am currently on my way to Caucus and I'm leaning Hillary. Make your case, Reddit!

Let me tell you about his tax plan.

Here is the bottom line; the CURRENT income tax in this country is as follows:


Here is Bernie Sander's proposed tax bracket:


As you can see by looking at Table 1 of each graph, there isn't nearly as much of a difference between the two as you are so boldly insinuating.

The US Census Bureau stated in their report, "Income and Poverty in the United States: 2014", in Appendix A, table A-1, that 94.4% of American household earned less than $200,000 per year in 2014. So looking at the tables, we can see that the VAST majority of Americans in this country would only see an increase of 2.2% to their income taxes, but would now be given healthcare and college education without having to pay for those extra things separately.


And here is a link further explaining income tax:


So even assuming that the top 6% of tax earners had HUGE increases (which they don't, if you look at the tables), those increases would only count on the part of their income that they earned ABOVE $250,000. The way it still works today.

As far as corporate tax goes, multinational corporations already store vast amounts of wealth in other countries in order to avoid paying taxes. Bernie would introduce legislation to stop them from doing this, as it's basically cheating.


He would also move to stop corporations from getting welfare checks.



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