I am a daily basis League player and recently uninstalled

I have one piece of advice if you really want to quit for good.

Delete your account. Don't deactivate or change the password, delete the account. Make it a chore to get back to Level 30 and it's harder to ever get sucked back in to ranked.

League has the potential to be physically addictive. For some reason a lot of gamers get upset at this fact - but the amount of adrenaline and dopamine (pleasure hormone) that's released during a high intensity, competitive game like League is crazy. The term 'adrenaline junkie' is pretty common, and when you hear it you think of extreme sports (skydiving, snowboarding etc.) - well League releases the same hormones as these activities, and as a result leaves you craving more. Your brain gets so overloaded with dopamine that it becomes resistant, meaning that the small amounts of dopamine you get from other activities (reading, television, socialising) don't make you feel as good anymore, so you go looking for that big hit. When it comes to ranked... the effects are amplified because the 'risk/reward' increases dopamine release even more. Read this it's an article that highlights the similarities between gamers and gamblers brains.

Dopamine sensitivity can be restored but it takes time. Cravings are completely normal as your mind associates League with that big juicy hormone hit it's so used to getting. Just keep pushing on and eventually you'll start to appreciate life more.

There's a worrying misconception in society that you can't become addicted to 'activities'. Drugs - yeah sure - but gambling or porn or gaming... no way 'it's all in your head'. Technically, yeah, but it's not a fiction of your imagination. There are physical changes to your brain that make you feel like you NEED to place a bet, or watch pornhub or play games. It's not your fault for giving in to these very real and very powerful cravings - but with enough determination you can push through it. Good luck bud.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread