Am I doing this right?

I think this shitpost applies more to OG Fall 2020 and January wallstreetbetz than superstonk today, though superstonk does have some resounding echos from that once jubilant wallstreetbetz era, with the crayon eating, wife’s boyfriend loving, Diamond handsing of the OG apes.. all before the fire nation attacked, i.e. before Robinhood and others turned off the buy button and nothing much of substance happened afterwards. Before wallstreetbetz entered the SHF gutter and CNBC and their ilk tried to turn “ape” into a contrived fiction to deter attention and sow doubt about the big nasty that’s been happening in the shadows for a long time. You’ll see in this subreddit if you maybe look a bit harder that many do blatantly have a high regard for what would amount to their financial futures and even the future of our financial system and are posting and discussing all sorts of DD, not just about GME but about the financial markets, including DD over finra violations, proposed regs, key players and the like.

Still this could all be summarized by saying this is a Wendy’s and please keep the crayons from rolling off the table again

PS: mods, the ban on all mentions of wallstreetbetz, even for historical purposes, is retarded. 3rd times the charm for this comment

/r/Superstonk Thread