I am donating $1000 to anyone who can diagnose my sleep problem that i've had for the past 4 years.

You're chronically hyperventilating.
During sleep your heart and breathing rate decreases causing a buildup of C02. Afterwards this buildup can cause you to start breathing through the mouth to remove it because your respiratory rate is determined by C02(not oxygen). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_apnea
However now you're hyperventilating and removing too much C02 which actually provides worse oxygenation so your body will hold your breath to buildup C02 again to provide oxygen and repeat this process destroying your sleep quality. Blocked airways is a reaction from not having enough C02. Even athletes are commonly having sleep apnea because they breath through their mouth(especially during exercise which is very bad).

Your medications effect heart rate, and like most stimulants increases it which prevents sleep or making sleep quality worse. Also the antipsychotics might be causing the "seizure-like behavior". Feeling like trash is not normal, obviously. This is most likely caused by chronic hyperventilation, there are obvious symptoms that are unnoticed due to lack of information spreading. Like congested nose/coughing up unclear mucus.

You need to increase your oxygenation of your cells; you shouldn't be able to feel your breath at all during rest and always through the nose. Better oxygenation is to breathe less, not more or deeper; this causes panic, anxiety, etc.
I highly advise you to talk to your medical professionals about Buteyko Breathing, and read more about it on https://www.normalbreathing.com/learn-cleansing/ (the other parts of the site are usual for information as well). Buteyko Breathing originated from Dr. Buteyko in Russia which was to treat patients with sleep apnea, asthma, and among other respiratory issues that can cause cancer or other diseases.
Additional Reading
Warburg Effect https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4783224/
No Medicine Treatment https://sakharoff.com/natural-cancer-healing-leukemia/

This is hardly all of the information about it, but it's a start. Medicine is temporary, not a solution. Have fun; keep your money ;).

/r/sleep Thread