Why am I the fear-mongering pessimist spreading 'fake-news' because I dare mention rising police states, climate change, loss of biodiversity, the collapse of every biosphere, upcoming food shortages/famine/economic recession? Why are people so frightened of the truth?

I post over on Metafilter from time to time, and over the past year or so they've developed a site-wide embargo on what they call 'doomsaying.' It began when they banned pessimistic speculation in politics threads, and then spread to the climate change threads, and now it's the site-wide policy somehow.

Which makes sense; they have a very general readership, and they aren't choosing to read about collapse like the folks around here, and they're not prepared for this information, and if it's allowed to run rampant people will just stop reading the site.

But they've painted themselves into a position where they have to squash speculation about the most reasonable outcomes of various crises. If someone was to have speculated last January that half of Australia would burn and we'd be devastated by a plague, that would have counted as doomsaying under these rules.

This is the consequence of the liberal form of climate denial. While the right-wing loons are denying its existence, the left is convinced that everything is under control. Technology and hard work are, as always, the answers. There's no chance that we don't have this under control, so don't think about that. Enjoy your Prius.

/r/collapse Thread