I am feeling very sad for all of us women today. Sending some support and love to those of you who feel the same.

The likelihood of Roe v Wade being overturned is incredibly unlikely. It would take years, a lot of money and be an extremely uphill battle. Public opinion would be strongly against it as well. It's not impossible, just extremely unlikely.

Same thing goes for gay marriage. It's already been established as a basic human right by the Supreme Court. Just like Roe v Wade, it would take a lot of work to undo that.

As for immigration? I will say this: I'm the 2nd generation to be born in the US. My grandparents fled to the US in the 1930s to ecape the Nazi war machine from a country that no longer exists. When they got to Ellis Island, their last name was changed because the Marine couldn't spell it properly, so he spelled it his way. They were quarantined and went through everything else immigrants in the 30s had to go through. They followed the rules and so should everybody else. I'm fine with people immigrating to the US. That's one of the things that makes the US great. But it needs to be done legally.

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