Am I foolish for wanting to be a comedian? (or, Comedy Isn't Practical)

Hey Rock-kickass.. Honestly, my opinion shouldn't matter to you, but maybe Judah Friedlander's--the alter ego of the World Champ--will. He said, "if you can't handle risk, just get out of comedy."

The risk is very real. Especially if you're infront of people you know..

No joke, I just got back from a university talent show (not many open mics here, so I take any stage I can get), and do you want to know who was sitting across from the stage? Of course you do. It was a recent fling from the fall, someone I really liked and wanted to be with but she had let me go, she just didn't feel the same way. And after trying the friendship thing, she up and pulled out; said she didn't want to hang out anymore and deleted me from Facebook(about a month ago). I couldn't help but love her(platonic, romantic, catatonic, you name it), so I understand that friendship wasn't right. And then I did my whole show with her in my view. I made up an improve bit walking to the bar, so started out as a character, and then by the time my character was on stage, so was I. I got into my stand up act and I quasi-bombed. I have some good material, and most of the more subtle reactions prived that. But it was my first time running through my entire set, how could I have possibly been good? I wasn't.. It was a very amateur delivery, I knew it going up, I knew it going off; but I had fun, and I fucking did it. I missed some tags because I'm an utter amateur, and flumbled my closer, but oh well, it's yesterday already. So... Second, and this is my worthless op, but be foolish. Fuck it man, pick up your shit(canadian for do the work and take care of your own) and be foolish. If your parents or siblings are cunty, why should you care what they think of you? My father would hate to think I dream of comedy and of getting on stage to dick around with wordplay and make believe, so I don't talk to him about it. If he wants to know, he'll ask. I'm blessed to have a mother who believes in me(in general, not specifically comedy) and believes in my pursuits-big or small.. Or maybe she's just letting the fact that I have no real intention of becoming a 'historian'(my degree path) slide because I can make her laugh when I send her vids. And that's it, it's me enjoying my life, and it's more important than not getting around to enjoying it. So good luck on improving yourself, in every way(none of us are perfect, all of us are trying), including increased risk taking and demanding ample amounts of personal tomfoolery(in your spare time).

/r/Standup Thread