I Am A former Stand In for President Bill Clinton in Washington D.C, standing in for his speeches and events from 1996-1999. AMA

I saw him and his family quite often. President Clinton was incredibly friendly. For instance, during the summer, there are lots of events, activities, and engagements on the White House grounds. He would often come out with Buddy, his Black lab, and throw a tennis ball around, and was very friendly with the crew/staffers setting up for the events. He would literally just walk up, and start talking golf, or soccer, or about anything except politics.

Little did any of us know this was during the Monica Lewinsky scandal (before it came out), he must have been under so much stress.

But yes, he was very friendly, and even approachable. But it was also very different back then. Since 9/11, the President is highly guarded, surrounded, and covered by Secret Service. Before 9/11, it had been so many years since any attempts on a US President had been made, that security had become very relaxed. If he was on the grounds, he was considered safe.

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