I am genuinely afraid to join any more DnD games.

"Lastly, I totally get that sometimes groups just don’t work out! However, it was the reassuring me it was fine and then cutting me off with no conversation that really got me. But anyway, thanks so much for all of your comments guys! I’ll respond to what I can!"

This is just gaslighting and lying. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I say 'just' but the emotional PTSD it can bring is very real and I can empathize how you're feeling. The only help I think strangers can offer you is to reassure you that you are not insane, that was indeed a really bad thing for them to do to you, and it will take time for you to rebuild your trust with people in general. Don't wall yourself off completely but try to figure out what an appropriate boundary is for you when you start to make new friends or maybe get involved with another dnd group.

/r/DnD Thread