I am getting an occulus rift s soon! are there any killer apps or programs that i need to buy?

Here is my personal top suggestions:

-Beatsaber (by far the best VR game to date with modded songs hours of fun and no tutorial needed so it is the perfect party game)

-Accountings+ (a fun comedic game written by Justin Rolland the creator of Rick & Morty)

-Virtual Virtual Reality (a unique and intresting story that has both a comedic and serious tones)

-Robo Recall (one of the best single player first person shooters to date plus it is free with oculus so that is a bonus)

-Super Hot (an interesting story that works well as an intro to vr)

-Budget Cuts (basically hitman in vr)

-Spiderman: Far From Home (you get a lot of content for what is essentially a vr advertisement)

-Rec Room (the paintball mini game is a free multiplayer fps)

/r/oculus Thread