Am I gonna ruin my life in my attempt to use meth beneficially

Thanks, I genuinely appreciate the advice.

But one thing I notice is a lot of people say that incredibly few people can use meth responsibly. The main difference between meth and adderrall is it crosses the blood-brain barrier 3x faster. Low-dose oral meth is indistinguishable from adderall by most accounts. So would you freak out at a person buying prescription adderall in bulk? What about a person using speed powder for the same purpose? Shit, a ton of people go on binges and abuse their prescription, or are super addicted to their script, so would you forewarn against pharmaceutical amphetamine? At what point does a drug become completely unacceptable for any use? It makes me doubt a lot of the warnings I'm being given because it all just seems like the product of stigma: adderall is a-ok but meth is the devil even though they both do almost the exact same thing.

I'm not trying to sit here and say meth is AS safe as adderall, but its not MUCH less safe either. I mean every meth addict you see is smoking the shit, and for that reason I will never smoke it, but have you ever heard of an oral meth addict? I don't agree that I'm trying to be one in one thousand like you say for that very reason. Almost nobody buys crystal meth with the intention to use it low-dose orally, and when they do you don't hear about it, so how would we know how many people attempted this and are doing fine? It could be the majority. The people who ruin their lives first buy it to smoke it and get super fucking wired.

It does have a much greater *potential* to be abused, mainly because of more potential routes of administration like I said, but does that mean it shouldn't be used in ANY capacity?

Don't mean to rant at you or anything, but these are my thoughts.

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