I am a high school drop out, ex drug dealer, ex preacher, that now makes 100k a year in a major consulting firm(that mainly hires ivy league grads) - AMA

I know people love to say "live with no regrets" - but I do, in a way.

I regret selling drugs to my family members, yes. But not to anyone else. Yes that sounds horrible but thats the truth.

I was always told that I was smart growing up, that was the only good thing said about me. I had no talents, didn't have a lot of friends, but I was also told I was smart -- which I just equated to the fact that I could read so well. I was absolutely horrible in math.

So I regret dropping out of high school and not going to an ivy league college and not getting to the point I am now sooner. I would have been at this stage at 25 rather than 35, if I didn't drop out and be swallowed by the streets.

I look back on it and yes it was a wild ride, but I can assure you, it was anything but fun haha. It was extremely scary and nerve racking.

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