I am in the hospital with my wife of 10 years who has just gotten her gender reassignment surgery. AMA!

I'm not OP, but my best friend came out as trans (MtF) about a year ago. I've been friends with her since I was 10, and at 21, we've been through a lot.

It seems as if a lot of trans-genered folk are depressed ...

I can't speak for everyone, obviously, but for my friend, she went through a tough time. Raised in a Catholic household with an autistic older brother; bullied in Elementary and High School; and never really fitting into any social circles.

When she came out, things were tough. There were times where things seemed okay from my perspective, but just under the surface, she was going through hell. To have your whole family doubt and question your entirely subjective feelings, and gender orientation, is grating to say the least.

She posted some suicidal tweets a few months after she came out, and that's when things started to really set in. It might seem self-destructive, but I felt that (as her oldest friend) I had to pick up my game and spend more time doing what she wanted to. More than anything, she needed friends and people to just hang around with.

When I told my Mum about my friends gender orientation, I broke down crying because of all the weight that was on my shoulders. My friends mental state isn't my responsibility, but I want to see her get through this.

I asked how she was doing on the one-year anniversary of her coming out of the closet, and she said things were better in some places and worse in others. So long as she's okay, I'm happy.

Basically, being trans is hard. Emotionally taxing, difficult for those around you, and above all else, you doubt everything that you were raised to be. It's inconceivable to me the amount of thinking and self-doubt that someone would go through as trans.

Proportionally, a lot of trans people commit suicide when compared to people whom are gay/lesbian/bisexual. We need to look after people, and be kind to one another. Regardless of gender orientation, or personal appearance.

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