I am impressed with the community's kindness.

You have to be really dumb not to win that fight

All the bosses in Dark Souls have strategy guides. That doesn't make them easy. Same here. And if you're getting stunlocked constantly, it's possible your setup isn't good for pvp.

As I mentioned before, it is also a lot more fun to the person who doesn't lose anything as opposed to the person who may lose hours of progress or have to farm back up so you can have your fun

a) It shouldn't take you hours to farm a single humanity, which is what's required to get invaded. And if it does, then that's your choice to come and fight forest hunters.

b) Forest hunters lose stuff too. See my other post. Just because it isn't something you can measure in game, doesn't mean it's not real. Me sitting by a bonfire until I get summoned as a black phantom once every 10 minutes, to get ganked is still giving something up. I gave up my time so whoever invaded the forest gets to fight a forest hunter. Stop playing the victim; nobody is forcing you to fight forest hunters.

Also, killing Forest Hunters still nets souls; we just don't lose them.

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