I am interested in your stories. Feel free to share if you wish.

Well, I've always had a group of "friends" or I guess people that I wanted to be friends with all the way up to high school. Basically, looking back at everything, these guys were all my friends, but never invited me to do anything. I don't understand it and to this day I don't understand it and it makes me pretty angry. Every time that there was some party or event, I never got invited, and then these guys would all talk about it non stop for the next week. Sad thing is, In high school I had a good couple of friends, like two that I always hanged out with, and we always did stuff together. One of them randomly split from me, we go to the same college now and we are okay friends, but never hang out. My other friend, he I think understood what it's like to get shafted by your other friends, but then he went and did the same thing to me, like we always hung out, but he would never invite me to do anything when he was hanging out with the big group of people, all people who I guess I thought I was friends with. Like, my 9th grade prom, we pretty much chilled together the whole time, and then, he throws a party and invites alot of people, alot of which I was friends with, but he doesn't invite me, Basically the same shit over and over again. Each time it happened I wanted to cry, but what am I gonna do. Sad thing is, now I'm in college and alot of these guys I called my friends go to college with me, and almost all of them are always super nice to me and if I ask will invite me to hang out, hell, even a couple of them asked if I wanted to be roommates with them for next year, but I think its because I have a nice personality, I'm not some jerk like most people, but basically I'm a sophmore now in college and I don't socialize really with anyone, I think that part of me died back in high school. I'm not sure what I'm getting at and I will probably delete this post tomorrow, but I'm just angry that people can be so mean. Only one person in the past couple of years has taken interest in doing anything with me, and this guy has a kind of bad reputation as in doing illegal stuff, but frankly I don't think I've ever met someone in the past like 7 years who has actually done anything with me. I'm just frustrated and fed up. Alot of these friends from high school are still "friends" with me, but something inside me broke a couple days ago and now all these friends can go fuck themselves. Each one of them, I feel cheated for investing my time into them. They took it all for granted. I want to give almost all of them a big fuck you. I've never wronged anyone in my life and been nice to everyone I meet, everyone at my job likes me and I actually have what I would like to call a real friend there. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

/r/ForeverAlone Thread