Am I jumping to conclusions? DNA

The people in column "D" (on the Leeds sheet) are nightmares. Two of them I suspect are mother/daughter because J.M. (254cM) manages M.M. (183cM) the other match that column is 97cM. NONE OF THOSE 3 HAVE A TREE. Zero, zip, nada, not a single name to build out from.

I'm seeing two surnames pop up in people that are shared matches with "D" people. But these "D" with the surnames are all 4-6th cousins (not on Leeds, but do show as shared matches with 867cM). I have a Bl*** & a Ti. I can find the Bl as the maternal grandmother of 867cM.

I haven't found a tree that has both Bl*** & Ti, but because both are recurring in multiple trees (not every tree) I suspect there is a Bl/Ti*** genetic person out there.

I built the trees for the top two unexplained genetic cousins of my son mostly down and sideways. I'll go back and poke at them more this week and build them back.

/r/Genealogy Thread Parent