Why I am leaving this, and all the other Christian-related subreddits I have subscribed to

Hey u/TacitProvidence, I just want to say I read every word.

It's true there are some parts I disagree with. For example, you say that no one is righteous. While it's true the Bible says this, the Bible also frequently makes distinction between righteous people and wicked people and frequently calls followers of God "righteous". So there's a sense in which no one as righteous as God is righteous but also a sense in which there truly are righteous and wicked people in this world, and the righteous and the wicked are as different as the night and day.

It is true that those who do evil deserve to die, and while it is better they repent and turn to Christ, this fact doesn't change.

Yes, under the old law God said to kill people caught in homosexual acts but those portions of the Old Law are obsolete now that we have Jesus Christ to act as the propitiation of our sin. Now we can bring those people to salvation through him.

... The Bible also commands to love justice. Of course, this is no excuse to be judgemental or hypocritical...

All in all, to me, your honest thoughts here are a form of righteousness and holiness.

I hope God allows you stay in this truthful spirit and find what you're looking for.

/r/TrueChristian Thread