I am loving SoCal's Red Hulu Kapuas. The reviews i read didn't seem to do it justice compared to how good it feels for me.

I had some nine month old red borneo (tried it and didn't like and just stuck in my fridge) and a couple of weeks ago was coming off of oxy so I grabbed it from the fridge and took 2.5 grams and was amazed at the effect, like what you describe. I felt the same with the old white borneo and green indo too, all from different vendors and all purchased 9 months before. Not a single oxy withdrawal symptom for 3 days plus each 2.5 gram dose of kratom gave me a warm opiate like feeling. I had ordered the same red borneo from the same vendor on day one so by day 4 I had a brand new batch. Nothing. Gram after gram (throughout the day) and nothing. Literally from one day to the next the effect was gone. Thinking it was maybe the batch, I tried others from elsewhere. Honestly I think that at 8 grams now I am probably getting the same results that I got those first few days but it's how I perceive it now is different. I have done some every morning and night since that first day which I know is not a good idea but I've been chasing that first experience you know? If I think about it that warm feeling is there, relaxation, but it's the euphoria that is absent. It's really funny that I just did 5 grams of the malaysian maeng da I got as a sample from mmm speciosa, wasn't going to because of a few negative comments on it, but this is the best sensation so far since those first few days. I had stuck to the reds and the borneo and tried bali too and thought maybe I should try maeng da and well, it did the trick lol. I'm about to get red hulu, green hulu, green maeng da, and white borneo from SoCal and will definitely be trying the gmd first. I guess maybe it's a tolerance thing and I've read that maeng da is "stronger" so maybe that is why it's doing the trick. For some time now I keep reading about people's experiences and I've been like, "How?" since I was just feeling a dull kind sedation. Ok, so now I get it hahaha. One thing I have no doubt about and that is that for me kratom completely annihilated my oxy withdrawals.

/r/kratom Thread