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I Am A Man Who Escaped A Scientology Camp/Cult. AMA

I Am A Man Who Escaped A Scientology Camp/Cult. AMA

Thanks for sharing your experiences. What's outrageous is that this situation continues, and nothing is being done about it.

It's mind boggling that L. Ron Hubbard had a grand plan for his personal fan(atic) club and, by chance, published the grand plan, under a pseudonym, originally as a vehicle for smearing dissenters and critics as "Communists."

Hubbard's 1955 hoax "Russian" manual:

A key to solving the puzzle was provided by Volney Mathison, way back in 1954, referring to Hubbard, "First he denounces and exposes... Then he uses the very power he has denounced. The victim is caught completely off guard."

The bottom link connects to the Scientology Critical information Directory which is a store house of valuable information on Hubbard cult:

/r/scientology Thread Link -