I am a Misogynist

Woke up hungry for some more idiocy. You did not disappoint, although I am truly disappointed in myself for indulging even though I said I wouldn't. Oh, well. Here goes.

I never said men are better than women

But, but...

you'd be declaring war on 50% of the population, who spent the last 6000 years of human history fighting whilst you guys were making pies.

When it comes to nature, women really are at the total mercy of men.

if women are X, men are always X+1.

First of all, I think it is absolutely hilarious that you feel so threatened by a random chick on the internet who makes grand claims that men could even be irrelevant. That's just not going to happen. It's not a threat. It's a rando running her fucking mouth (or keyboard, in this case) to hear it make noise. If that threatens you, you must be very immature, and lacking in confidence. If you feel the need to argue with that, well, I can't really help you. But good job saving the menz from being irrelevant with your infallible logic and bio truths. I would give you a cookie if I could, pinky swear.

The previous poster is garbage, and you're playing right into her game. Either she's a troll, or she's as stupid as you are. Either way, congrats on falling for the trap. And clearly you think I'm the one who's the idiot, trying to educate me on the differences between men and women. Thanks for the biology lesson, mate. Oh, and I'm glad I now know that the marines have done "studies". That's why they don't let women fight, right? No women soldiers that I can see! OH WAIT! THERE ARE! OMG! It honestly sounds like you need to get your ass kicked by a group of women to bring you down a notch or two.

Anyway, that's all I've got. Totally full again. Maybe I'll tune in to see what other moronic responses you have in store for me, because that was super satisfying. Thanks!

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