I am the Morninghead guy. In the last year after Shark Tank, I helped my buddy start a company that's now processing over $350 million/yr. Tell us your idea and we'll tell you how to grow it with zero cash (like my last AMA, we'll answer every single question today). AUA!

So I've had this idea for years, and I'm sure someone will steal it from me ;). I went to one of the largest universities in the USA ( top 25 by enrollment). I enjoyed going to bars due to the music, friends, random people, and the various assortment of glorious boobies. With that said, I HATED waiting in line for a drink. Not only did you have to wait in endless lines of drunk assholes, you were at the mercy of the college frat boys and sorority girls that manned the puke deck (bartenders for the idiots). I always had this dream of going to a bar, avoiding all the typical douche bags hitting up their bro's behind the counter and all the normies like me waiting that someone will notice me flailing with an Andrew Jackson (a 20$ bill for the idiots), and just getting exactly 1-1.5 ounces of alcohol combined with my mixer of choice. And that just described a robot that could scan my drivers license or wristband (required to enter if you are 21, no one under age), let me select the liquor, and then the mixer. Anyone ever been to a fast food place that has those new Coke machines that let you select every choice of Coke product ever made, and then ad any flavor of syrup (vanilla, like, cherry, etc)?. That's what I want. I want them every where in college bars. I want them at booths. I want them to dispense anything you can think of including draft beer. I know it's possible now. The tech exists. The wait times would plummet, you wouldn't have to tip, the bars could employ less dicks. This is basically a college bar utopia I've thought of. Obviously this idea isn't meant to change the upscale scene. No amount of technology can top the understanding bartender that can listen to how your wife banged your neighbor and make you a great dry martini simultaneously.

/r/IAmA Thread