I am a neuro-optometrist who often works with patients with visual snow. AMA! :)

Have you ever encountered people using medical cannabis to treat comorbid headaches in visual snow patients? I have an unpleasant and permanent unilateral headache that appeared the same time as my VS, tried all sorts to treat it but cannabis was the only thing that could touch the pain and as a result I’ve been legally prescribed for a year now in the UK. It makes the visual aspects very marginally worse but not to the point it impacts my life any more than it usually does, and not being in constant miserable pain is genuinely amazing. I find the pain and the brain fog much more disruptive than the visual side of things personally, though my night vision is bad enough I don’t drive in the dark as a rule.

Also I had a really horrible interaction with SSRIs which I was given in an attempt to treat my anxiety I had in the past (nobody knew about VS back then and I feared a lot for my sight), citalopram made my derealisation so bad I felt like I’d died and my body hadn’t got the message. It took me a solid year after stopping them to feel normal again! Quetiapine on the other hand which I was given experimentally (one doctor I saw had anecdotal evidence of it working in VS patients) was really well tolerated at a low dose and basically erased my visual snow for a few months but I built a tolerance and it came back strong as ever. Do you think this might suggest a role for dopamine-affecting drugs in the treatment of VS?

/r/visualsnow Thread