Why I am not healing you

Some support players I think are just crying that sometimes dps and tank won't take the abuse when they have their own rage outs. Its funny playing tank,support,dps and seeing how equally toxic everyone is and not just wallowing in martysim like this sub does.

I bet if we spent a day playing competitive, the amount of toxic DPS players we'd encounter would at least triple (and I'm being really generous here) the amount of toxic support players. Heck, if I didn't value my mental health I'd actually be willing to do this and put money on it.

There's so many support players making posts about this for a reason. In-game toxicity against support is so common. And it has gotten a lot worse since OW2 came out.

At least you can avoid toxic posts on reddit or any other place support players complain on. It's a lot harder to avoid in-game. Really just makes playing support such an unfun experience.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it