I am officially 100% out of money

They aren’t.

I’m entirely housebound and also bedbound 90% of the time. I can’t fucking get around. I don’t know how that would work with living on the street. I literally just can’t fucking get around. There are no more benefits for me to apply for. They are not things that will change rapidly. They’ve remained the same so far. I can’t start a new hobby, I sleep 18-20 hours a day and my awake hours are spent struggling to do basic daily human functions. I literally cannot do more. No I’m not religious. As someone else said, kindly, there are no other ideas. Abusive relatives, no friends, my landlord isn’t budging on rent. Even if they did I still can’t afford food or any of my other bills. There’s no point in “holding on” because things are not getting better. They just aren’t.

I don’t think you’re bad at writing, even my dumb fucking brain could understand it. I appreciate it what you’re trying to do. But there’s just no point. I can’t do anything. I have no options

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