Am I the only asexual who somehow hates how this sub indirectly antagonises allosexuals and the lowkey sex negativity?

I completely agree with you that sex absolutely isn’t exclusive to allos. Sex-positive and asexuals who have and even enjoy sex are just as valid as those who are sex-repulsed or do not want to ever engage in it, and I don’t want to add to the alienation of either side.

There’s a division between the two, admittedly, which is something we can probably work on by exercising empathy for one another and having open discussions about how as a community we can better support one another even when we’re on different ends of the spectrum. But a big call out post like this that refers back to a specific post does little to aide the alienation in the community, if that makes sense. We should be improving ourselves to make this a more welcoming place for everyone, not to just make ourselves more presentable to the majority.

/r/asexuality Thread Parent