Am I the only one who has the feeling that the further politically left a man is leaning the less he is being sexist or mysognystic?

IMO given the fact that lots of facets of society requires performative Leftism, you should look for ACTIONS not words.

I’ve seen it first hand - people know why they’re MEANT to say and they know what they want to say and guess which one wins out in order for them to keep being accepted and taking part in groups?

My group of friends is VERY left leaning and I have to adhere to their version of right/wrong things to say or be thrown out - ie: you can’t say a single positive thing about guns at all, ever - they are always evil and serve no purpose to the average person including but not limited to hunters, farmers or people who live rural and have to contend with predators in their yards (I have bears on my porch every spring).

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread