I am opposing the legislation today to spend £5bn on refitting the Palace of Westminster. Instead Parliament should move to a city outside London & reduce the concentration of our politics & decision-making on London & the South-East

I’m against the refitting of the Palace of Westminster because I think the existing Chamber is shambolic and outdated. Jeering and shouting abuse at each other across a room like school children is exactly why things don’t seem to get done.

I’m fully in favour of getting rid of the current set up and adopting the new preferred layout; semi-circle seating with a designated seat for each MP, where one may speak at a time (with a light coming on to signal it is their time, and the microphone being cut off when the time ends). When topics are being debated and votes are taking place, relevant people may speak in the chamber to the seated MPs to give insight and perspectives that MPs alone may not or cannot represent.

/r/ukpolitics Thread Link - twitter.com