I am so over this

Hey, so. You absolutely can overcome bingeing, but I strongly encourage you not to think that one binge ruins everything. When you're just starting out, reducing frequency could also be a goal.

My focus was trying to reduce urges and sit through the ones I did have. Have you tried any therapy to get ideas on how to sit through urges? You can't control having urges, they will happen, so you need to work on your ability to not act on them.

So to reduce the urges, I ate regularly (trying not to go longer than 3 hours without eating) and trying to eat both filling and tasty food (saying no chocolate makes you want more chocolate, but eating only chocolate will leave you hungrier than you started). Try to eat with others if you can. If you have "danger times", plan for them. For example, when I was having a really bad time, my therapist suggested not to be alone in the house for awhile. Being alone was a big trigger for urges/bingeing. So, if you know that's going to happen, you should plan for that.

/r/BingeEatingDisorder Thread