Am I racist for not wanting a black Bond?

Apples and oranges.

I think it is a little bold to compare Mad Men with James Bond. Critical acclaim (well-deserved) does not necessarily translate to large public viewings. Both Mad Men and Breaking Bad were obscure until Netflix started showing them. James Bond is a name known well for over half a century.

I get where you are coming from, but Mad Men definitely appealed to a more "liberal" crowd (utilizing the bastardized version of that word). Women were strong in that show. Just look at Moss' character. Not saying strong women are bad either! Smoking was used in the show, but a major theme early in the show was the discovery of how bad cigarettes are for you, and their attempts to convince the public that smoking was still "cool". There are several themes throughout the show that were culturally relevant at the time, and thus had to be shown to remain accurate. But at the same time, Weiner did an excellent job of making smoking bad; misogyny came off from foolish characters that people loved to hate; womanizers did not win in the end, etc... Heck, Draper finished the show in an almost meditative state on a hillside in CA.

Bond smoked and drank too much. While the issue is addressed in the books (particularly with M), it was never truly made out to look like a bad thing. Bond continued to do it, and continued to save the world. Fleming didn't want to make his own lifestyle out to be a bad thing, so why would that come in to the storyline. He saw women as objects, hardly ever as human beings. No one has to explain why that is a bad thing. The references to homosexuality in the books were usually accompanied by very ignorant statements about said homosexuals. Even in Man with the Golden Gun, they believe Scaramanga might be a homosexual and they doubt he can whistle because "it is a well known fact that homosexuals cannot whistle properly." These were all just stated as facts (in fictional books all the same) but no one cared during that time.

I wish people were allowed to write this way still. Not because I feel that way, but because people have the right to be stupid. Just like J.K. Rowling just said of Trump, "his right to free speech allows me the right to call him a bigot."

I say all that to say this, I dont see a return to a 50s/60s Bond that stays true to the times, or Fleming for the most part. I just want some backbone!!!

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