I am sad that I am going to UC Davis


I recently graduated UCSB. When I was a student there, I was part of the ucleads program, a program held across every UC. Each year we would all meet for a conference and then at night, we’d party/bond. So I know many STEM students from every UC. At one particular party, while we all like to brag about our own university, of course, there was one thing all agreed on- That UC Davis always produced students with the best offers from awesome companies and most lucrative positions after graduation. I agreed, my friends/colleagues from UCB, UCSD, UCLA , UCD etc. all agreed and were all just a tad jealous.. lol

So you needn’t worry, the employers know the caliber of UCD students. They’ve already hired students in the past and like what they’ve been getting.

Bottom line, you couldn’t have made a wrong choice with UCD or UCSB in regards to that concern.

/r/UCDavis Thread