Am I selfish?

It might be worth bringing this up in the r/exjw and r/exmormon subs, you'll find a lot of people may relate. I'm an ex-mo myself. Left 9ish years ago, determined I'd stay in the marriage for the kids but I can't do it anymore. For a couple of years My stbxh would occasionally skip church to ski with me but has now decided to become ultra righteous if you know what I mean , teaches sunday school, bears his testimony with his fake "i'm really spiritual" voice, anything that helps him gain social clout among that community. JWs are even more closeminded than mormons, so I'm cheering for your happiness and see it likely happening after you rip off the band-aid. Find a therapist if you can to support you for a few months, someone that understands how consuming and damaging these churches can be.

/r/Divorce Thread