I am so sick of being forced to wake up early just to have my entire day sucked away from me

You can all blame Reagan, Ayn Rand, Greenspan and any other neoliberal fuckhole that decided that “trickle down” economics was viable. Look whats happened in 40 years.

I realize the adage is people are only 3 missed meals away from a revolution, but if something doesnt give soon, things will get even worse.

Personally I dont have any hope left for the West. I am glad I have no kids to live through the denouement of western civilization.

Psychologically, I’m ready. I stopped relying on the state and entered the underground economy 20 years ago. I know how to grow food and how to handle firearms. I’m social and can play music and entertain a community and am solid at planning, communication and leadership.

When you stop having faith in systems that exist to oppress you, you can really begin to live better. I dont say easier, but better.

Good luck to all.

/r/antiwork Thread