I am sick of the gay men "I" encounter mostly black ones.

Well grammar princess actually it is how they work http://thevisualcommunicationguy.com/2014/02/13/how-to-use-quotation-marks/

I dont write to impress on reddit spellcheck or correct my typing but I took AP english literature and aced all college courses associated with english and literature. Part of the reason I did so well was because grammar was a tiny piece of the puzzle not the whole thing in fact my very first essay I wrote for my professor was about how their truly is no "correct" way of writing which also means there is no wrong way.

She was so impressed she not only asked for a copy but asked if she could show it to her future classes I said yes I know she actually did show it to next years class not sure if she still does today.

But all that aside quotes have multiple uses again not formatting when I type on reddit and there are probably several grammar issues. Grammar was never my specialty but writing was hence my grades in english related courses but when I heard you say thats not how or what quotes are for I had to correct you since you felt the need to try and correct me.

This post was not written for you a professor a teacher etc it was written to get something off my chest that was bothering me from an incident that happened last week that was still bothering me no more no less.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent