i am sick of people treating "ugly" as a dirty word

On one hand, I agree. I used to have extremely low self esteem and when people told me I looked good I would get irritated because I was sure I didn't and I was trying to move past it, and so to pick out of all of my qualities what I considered one of my worst (my looks) felt insulting. So although I get your frustration, I also don't entirely think the frustration is fully reasonable. Personally, I find most people genuinely attractive. It might come in part from insecurities and jealousy because I'm always thinking to myself things like "I wish I had their smile, their nose, their posture, their voice, etc" but also another part of it is I just think people are beautiful. If you've seen the type of people I've dated you would see that I clearly have no physical type. I've never ever told someone they were attractive or beautiful without meaning it. Now perhaps that means less to some because I find most attractive, but I don't care because it's true to me. So maybe try trusting people because we're not all out here lying to make people feel better.

/r/offmychest Thread